The Costa Rican authorities show up and blow up the island, and one of my favorite characters died, i will not say who because i think i had spoiled enough.
Jurassic Park it's a frenetic and thrilling book full of action, suspense, imagination, and even real science. It is well written and very descriptive, Michael Crichton knows what he is talking about, no matter if he is talking about DNA or dinosaurs, you will understand every scientific explanation. By the other hand narrative is very descriptive, the action in the book it's like a movie, the dinosaurs are spine chilling, terrifying and when you're reading it's almost like if they were real. The movie is very good and attached to the source material, however it's kind of a resume of the book. Putting in contrast the movie and the book, the book is the extended version, you get to know all the characters involved, and also its an more extend and gory version.

The Message
I think the message given by the book is very powerful; humans should not play gods, much less underestimate nature because if we keep doing that the consequences could be catastrophic. Now that i read the book I realized that the plot is more deep than my first impression when i saw the movie, I had a good time reading it, and i will recommend, not only for its originality, but also for its technical and scientific explanations.
canisters: a box or can for keeping stuff like food or other products.

latticework: a decorating pattern for decorating purposes.
Shriek: a kind of scream.
bloodcurdling: something that cause a lot of fear and horror.

rowing: when you move your arms in order to make a raft move forward or backwards.