miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015


The Epic conclusion.

The Costa Rican authorities show up and blow up the island, and one of my favorite characters died, i will not say who because i think i had spoiled enough.
Jurassic Park it's  a frenetic and thrilling book full of action,  suspense, imagination, and even real science. It is   well written and very  descriptive, Michael Crichton knows what he is talking about, no matter if he is talking about DNA or dinosaurs, you will understand every scientific  explanation. By the other hand narrative is very descriptive, the action in the book it's like a movie, the dinosaurs are spine chilling, terrifying and when you're reading it's almost like if they were real. The movie is  very good and attached to the source material, however it's kind of a resume of the book. Putting in contrast the movie and the book, the book is the extended version, you get to know all the characters involved, and also its an more extend and gory version.

The Message

I think the message given by the book is very powerful; humans should not  play gods, much less underestimate nature because if we keep doing that the consequences could be catastrophic. Now that i read the book I realized that the plot is more deep than my first impression when i saw the movie, I had a good time reading it, and i will recommend, not only for its originality, but also for its technical and scientific explanations. 


canisters: a box or can for keeping stuff like food or other products.
latticework: a decorating pattern for decorating purposes.
Shriek: a kind of scream.
bloodcurdling: something that cause a lot of fear and horror.
rowing:  when you move your arms in order to make a raft move forward or backwards.


The From action to horror.

By this time you're very familiar with all the characters involved, also you notice that at this point everything is really different to the book, here is more horror than action, the velociraptors are far more scarier, However they realize that also some dinosaurs have escaped the island. The end presented in the book is really different from the one that appears in the movie. Now I see that the movie was adapted for a more family audience. I'm not saying that the movie is a bad adaptation, it is really good but it's a summary, in the book all the characters involved have a bigger part in the story, you know their thoughts their motivations.

"We are witnessing the end of scientific era. Science , like other outmoded systems is destroying itself. As it gains in power, it proves itself incapable of handling the power. Because things are getting very fast" I think this quote illustrates perfectly the XXI century, we are at a point in which technology is evolving every day,  for example the smartphone is getting  thinner, smarter  and faster  every day.

outmoded: that something is no longer useful.

dangling: to move a kid like if it was a toy.

speckled; an animal that has small spots.

crept: from creepy, in a verb form.

supercilious: that you think you're above other people, arrogant.


When everything goes from bad to worse

When everything is out of control irreversibly; so at this point some dinosaurs get free on the island, the power is back on and Arnold and Muldoon said that they will control everything again, the power fails again and now the velociraptors are also free, the most cold and intelligent of prehistoric animals. At this point I realized that all the book was sustained on  "Chaos Theory" a theory that Ian Malcolm  explains emphatically. 

Chaos theory says that in an initial condition tiny changes can lead into vast differences generating a final and very different  outcome than the expected originally. In few words a simple system always can evolve into a complex system and the last one is always unpredictable. 

" Scientists are actually preoccupied with accomplishment. So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something"
 Fifth Iteration,  Ian Malcolm. 
In the quote above Michael Crichton shows the frivolity of  scientists, and that people only think of themselves, this is a cold and banal world.

oblivious: that you don't know something, that you're not aware.
shoreline: the beach in the coast.
duckbilled: Perry from Phineas and Ferb, an Australian mammal.
shallower: water that is not so deep, thin.
flagrant: without shame, notorious, obvious.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015


Having a tour on the island.

In this part we get to know the island and the facilities in all its enormity and luxury , when i read this part I thought,-  well it's impossible that any of this animals  can get free in Jurassic Park- of course this was a mistake, all the scientists and engineers had too much confident on their computers, on their control room, they took lots of precautions and yet  they did not realized  that the dinosaurs were breeding.
 In words of Allan Grant; “Because the history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way."  Third iteration. I think he is right, we can't underestimate nature.

“They don't have intelligence. They have what I call 'thintelligence.' They see the immediate situation. They think narrowly and they call it 'being focused.' They don't see the surround. They don't see the consequences.”- Ian Malcom , Fourth Iteration.

Breed: in case of dinosaurs; to have little dinosaurs and have nests in order to procreate.

Ferns: Plants

Oleander: a very beautiful ( and sometimes toxic) flower, it is mostly pink.

Unpalatable: That the  taste  of something sucks, for example raw fish  ( that is individual).

Skylight: An horizontal window placed in the roof.


When Dinosaurs ruled the earth.

The first time I read the book i thought, - this is very similar to the movie- then  I  realized  it wasn't, The movie is kind of a summary, I dare to say that the book it's an extended version, you get to know all the characters, all the characters  have at least two chapters for their own.  The first two iterations,  felt real, and the gore it's used like a descriptive tool not for morbid purposes. The book is divided in seven iterations that are like the book parts, each one fill of   several chapters, you can read rapidly and fluidly because of the short length of each chapter.
The first third of the book is all suspense; Michael Crichton constructs the fictional resort in Isla Nublar, Costa Rica.  Several testimonies of people that have been attacked by dinosaurs, the government investigating on John Hammond's DNA and bioengineering Industry; InGen,   all these testimonies together construct a very consistent and solid story. Then when the main character arrived to Jurassic Park is all order, you think that it’s impossible that something wrong happen, that the control system is flawless and all animals are subjected.  An analogy to daily life, because we think we have the control for everything.

 "There is a problem with that island. It is an accident waiting to happen."
Ian Malcolm - Second Iteration Ian Malcolm.

He is the only one who knows what it's going to happen, no one listen to him, by the moment he said that you know something bad it's about to happen.


Mauled: to injure make a bad and nasty wound.

Nodded: To shake the head in sign of affirmation.

Hind legs: rear legs of an animal. The chicken walked in their hind legs.

sighed: when exhale air in sign of relief.  Like when i pass the exams

Strong headed: that a person don't want to change his ideas.